portugal é um país de desperdício com salários de miséria

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May be a graphic of map and text that says "Average Šalaries Across Europe 2023 € €/hour) €O Sweden €26.3 €50 Finland €30.5 { Norway €41.7 + Iceland €39.5 €13.6 Netherlands 33.0 N/A + Denmark €42.0 Ει0.7 Treland 33.3 Belgium €36.3 €14.0 Portugal €13.7 Luxembourg €47.2 Germany Poland €31.6 €11.9 Czechia 13.6 €12.5 France €28.7 Austria €30.0 Hungary €11.0 C219 E12.7 Spain €18.2 Romania €10.4 N/A Buigaria €8.1 The TheEU's EU's average salary IS €24/hour Italy €21.5 Greece €12.6 voronoi Where Data Tells Story Malta €14.0 AppStore GooglePay"