sismo 4.9 fonte do bastardo, terceira

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M4.9 Earthquake – Azores Islands, Portugal

Preliminary Report
  • Universal Time (UTC): 14 Jan 2024 08:19:55
  • Time near the Epicenter (1): 14 Jan 2024 07:19:55
  • Time in your area (1): 14 Jan 2024 07:19:55
Location38.694N 27.128W
Depth10 km
  • 4.3 km (2.6 mi) W of Fonte Bastardo, Portugal
  • 8.9 km (5.5 mi) ENE of Angra do Heroísmo, Portugal
  • 166.0 km (102.9 mi) NW of Ponta Delgada, Portugal
  • 172.3 km (106.8 mi) NW of Lagoa, Portugal
  • 1136.5 km (704.6 mi) WNW of Câmara de Lobos, Portugal
Location UncertaintyHorizontal: 8.2 km; Vertical 1.9 km
ParametersNph = 79; Dmin = 174.4 km; Rmss = 0.38 seconds; Gp = 81°
Version =
Event IDus 6000m3la

(1) Nominal Standard Time; local and daylight savings time zone may differ.
For updates, maps, and technical information
see: Event Page or USGS Earthquake Hazards Program
National Earthquake Information Center
U.S. Geological Survey


Chrys Chrystello jornalista, tradutor e presidente da direção da AICL
Esta entrada foi publicada em CLIMA Meteo fire sismos tsunamis vulcoes OVGA. ligação permanente.