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- Açaí
- from Portuguese açaí, from Tupi-Guarani asaí[1]
- Ainhum
- from Portuguese, based on Yoruba eyun ‘saw’[2]
- Albacore
- from albacor from Arabic بكورة al-bukr (=”the young camels”)[3]
- Albatross
- an alteration of albatroz, under influence of the Latin word albus (“white”)[4]
- Albino
- from albino, with the same meaning, from Latin albus[5]
- Amah
- from Portuguese ama, nurse, housemaid, from Medieval Latin amma, mother[6]
- Anhinga
- from Portuguese, from Tupi áyinga[7]
- Anil
- from anil, through French, via Arabic النيل al-nili and Persian نیلا nila; ultimately from Sanskrit नीली nili (=”indigo)[8]
- Auto-da-fé
- a judicial ‘act’ or sentence of the Inquisition from auto da fé (= “act/sentence of faith”)[9]
- Ayah
- Anglo-Indian native nurse, children’s governess from Port. aia, originally from Latin avia (grandmother). Etymogically related to English “uncle”[10]
- Banana
- from Portuguese or Spanish (more probably from Portuguese, as the most widespread Spanish word is plátano); from Portuguese, of African origin; akin to Wolof banäna banana[11]
- Banyan
- from Portuguese, from Gujarati vāṇiyo, from Sanskrit “vaṇij”[12]
- Baroque
- from barroco (adj. = “unshapely”)[13]
- Bossa nova
- (= “new trend” or “new wave”)[14]
- Breeze
- probably from Old Spanish and Portuguese briza ‘northeastern wind[15]
- Bual
- from boal[16]
- Buffalo
- from Portuguese bufalo, from late Latin bufalus, from Greek boubalos ‘antelope, wild ox’[17]
- Cachalot
- from Portuguese cachalote (same meaning), probably via Spanish or French. The Portuguese word comes from cachola (“head” or “big head”)[18]
- Cachou
- from French, from Portuguese cachu, from Malay kacu[19]
- Carambola
- Star fruit – Portuguese, perhaps from Marathi कराम्बल karambal[20]
- Caramel
- from French, Spanish or Portuguese caramelo, ‘caramel’, from Late Latin calamellus[21]
- Caravel
- from caravela[22]
- Carbonado
- from Portuguese[23]
- Carioca
- from Tupi “carioca” (cari = white men, oca = house; house of the white men), via Portuguese carioca (native of Rio de Janeiro)[24]
- Carnauba
- from carnaúba[25]
- Cashew
- from caju (a tropical fruit)[26]
- Caste
- from casta (=”class”)[27]
- Cobra
- shortening of cobra-de-capelo, with the same meaning (literally, “snake with a hood”)[28]
- Coconut
- from coco + nut [29]
- Commando
- from comando ‘command’[30]
- Cougar
- from French couguar, from Portuguese suçuarana, perhaps from Tupian sɨwasuarána or Guaraní guaçu ara.[31]
- Creole
- French créole, from Castilian Spanish criollo, person native to a locality, from Portuguese crioulo, diminutive of cria, (“‘person raised in one’s house with no blood relation, a servant'”), < Portuguese criar (“‘to rear, to raise, to bring up'”), from Latin creare, to beget; < Latin creo (“‘to create'”), which came into English via French between 1595 and 1605. [same root as creature][32]
- Cuspidor
- from Portuguese, spitter, from cuspir ‘to spit’[33]
- Dodo
- According to Encarta Dictionary and Chambers Dictionary of Etymology, “dodo” comes from Portuguese doudo (currently, more often, doido) meaning “fool” or “crazy”. The present Portuguese word dodô (“dodo”) is of English origin. The Portuguese word doudo or doido may itself be a loanword from Old English (cp. English “dolt”)[34]
- Embarrass
- from Portuguese embaraçar (same meaning; also to tangle – string or rope), from em + baraço (archaic for “rope”)[35]
- Emu
- from ema (=”rhea”)[36]
- Fetish
- from French fétiche, from Portuguese feitiço (“charm”, “sorcery”, “spell”), from Latin factitius or feticius (“artificial”)[37]
- Flamingo
- from Portuguese flamingo, from Spanish flamenco[38]
- Farofa
- typical plate of Brazil
- Genipapo
- from Portuguese jenipapo, from Tupi[39]
- Grouper
- from garoupa[40]
- Guarana
- from Portuguese guaraná, from Tupi warana[41]
- Igarapé
- from Tupi : Area with trees near of rivers with the roots in the water.
- Indigo
- from Spanish indico, Portuguese endego, and Dutch (via Portuguese) indigo, from Latin indicum, from Greek indikon ‘blue dye from India’
- Jacaranda
- from Tupi yakaranda.
- Jackfruit
- from Portuguese jaca, from Malayalam chakka + fruit
- Jaggery
- from Portuguese xagara, jag(a)ra, from Malayalam cakkarā, from Sanskrit śarkarā
- Jaguar
- from Tupi or Guaraní jaguarete via Portuguese
- Junk
- from junco, from Javanese djong (Malay adjong).
- Konpeitō
- Japanese sweets, from the Portuguese confeito (sugar candy)
- Labrador
- from name of Portuguese explorer João Fernandes Lavrador, the surname meaning “landowner” or “farmer”
- Lacquer
- from French lacre, from Portuguese lacre, from Arabic lakk, from Persian lak
- Lambada
- from lambada (=”beating, lashing”)
- Lascar
- from Portuguese lascari, from Urdu and Persian laškarī ‘soldier’, from laškar ‘army’.
- Launch (boat)
- from Portuguese lancha, from Malay lancharan ‘boat’.
- Macaque
- from macaco, through French
- Macaw
- from macau; ultimately from Tupi macavuana.
- Mandarin
- from mandarim, from the Malay mantri, from Hindi मंत्री matri, from Sanskrit मन्त्रिन् mantrin (=”counsellor”)
- Mango
- from manga, via Malay mangga, ultimately from Malayalam മാങ്ങ māṅṅa or from Tamil மாங்காய் mānkāy
- Mangrove
- probably from Portuguese mangue mangrove (from Spanish mangle, probably from Taino) + English grove
- Manioc
- from mandioca (=”cassava”) from Tupi mandioca.
- Maraca
- from maracá from Tupi
- Marimba
- from Portuguese, of Bantu origin; akin to Kimbundu ma-rimba : ma-, pl. n. pref. + rimba, xylophone, hand piano
- Marmalade
- from marmelada, a preserve made from marmelo (=”quince“)
- Molasses
- from melaço (=”treacle”)
- Monsoon
- from monção
- Mosquito
- from Mosquito meaning ‘little fly’
- Mulatto
- Portuguese mulato. From mula (=mule) a cross between a horse and a donkey or from the Arabic term muwallad, which means “a person of mixed ancestry”
- Negro
- Negro means “black” in Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian, being from the Latin word niger (Dative nigro, Accusative nigrum) and the Greek word Νέγρος Negros both of the same meaning. It came to English through the Portuguese and Spanish slave trade. Prior to the 1970s, it was the dominant term for Black people of African origin; in most English language contexts (except its inclusion in the names of some organizations founded when the term had currency, e.g. the United Negro College Fund), it is now considered either archaic or a slur.
- Pagoda
- from pagode; corruption of Persian بوتکاتا butkata (+”idol deity”)
- Palanquin
- from Portuguese palanquim, from Oriya pālaṅki
- Palaver
- a chat, from palavra (=”word”), Portuguese palavra (word), parabola (parable), speech (current fala, discurso), chat (current bate-papo, papo, palavrinha, conversa and also Eng. chat) alteration of Late Latin parabola, speech, parable.
- Pickaninny
- from pequenina (=”little one”) or pequeninha (=”toddler”)
- Piranha
- from piranha (=piranha), from Tupi pirá (“fish”) + ánha (“cut”)
- Pomfret
- from Portuguese pampo
- potato
- from “batata”
- Ramkie
- from Afrikaans, from Nama rangi-b, perhaps from Portuguese rabequinha diminutive of rabeca ‘fiddle’
- Sablefish
- from sável (=”shad,” “whitefish”)
- Samba
- from samba ; ultimately of Angolan origin, semba
- Sargasso
- from sargaço (=”sargasso”)
- Savvy
- from sabe he knows, from saber to know
- Serval
- from French, from Portuguese cerval ‘deer-like’, from cervo ‘deer’, from Latin cervus
- Stevedore
- from estivador (=”stevedore”)
- Talapoin
- from French, from Portuguese talapão
- Tank
- from tanque
- Tapioca
- from tapioca
- Teak
- from teca
- Tempura
- Japanese 天麩羅, tenpura?, also written as “天ぷら”, from Portuguese têmporas, (=Ember Days)
- Verandah
- from varanda (=”balcony” or “railing”), from Hindi वरांडा varanda or Bengali baranda
- Vindaloo
- probably from Portuguese vin d’alho ‘wine and garlic (sauce)’, from vinho ‘wine’ + alho ‘garlic’
- Yam
- from inhame or Spanish ñame from West African nyama (=”eat”)
- Zebra
- from zebra (same meaning), which started as the feminine form of zebro (a kind of deer), from vulgar Latin eciferus, classical Latin EQUIFERVS.