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“What I’m about to post may shock a lot of people, but it needs to be said. Maybe not everyone needs to go to college… I work with college students. As a campus minister, it is my job. But, I would be lying if I said that every kid I work with who is dropping $25,000 or more each year, is doing a wise thing. For what? Most will come out of school owing so much money, that it will take them 20 years to pay back. Meanwhile, the kid who went to work with a plumber to learn a skill, is making a great living—debt free! See that pipe in the picture? A kid worked 7 hours putting that in my yard, a couple weeks ago. He left with $2,000 in his pocket. So, I wonder who really has things figured out: The kid coming out of college owing more than a house, or the kid who just paid cash for a house by the time he was 25. Here is my point… Not every person has to go to college. Skilled labor is nothing to be ashamed of—in fact, if you are willing to get a little dirty, many ‘blue collared’ jobs pay really well; and they are careers worthy of respect. So, even though I work with college students and want to see as many there as possible, college is not the ‘be all, end all’ that everyone says it is. If nothing else, at least be willing to have an open and honest discussion with your child—and recognize that maybe there are other options; good options, worth considering… Options that won’t put a family in serious debt!”
Credit: Craig Allison