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Em 2015, decapitaram um arqueólogo sírio
Da intolerância política e militar à ignorância cultural
May be an image of 3 people, beard and people standing
Not to forget the real heroes of this world:
18th of August 2015
On his knees, he awaits his beheading.
This is Syrian archaeologist Dr. Khaled al-Asaad, head of the excavations of Palmir (Palmyra). Khaled al-Asaad refused to reveal the location of the treasures and antiques of Tadmur (now Palmyra) that he hid before the arrival of the Islamic State.
Al-Asaad was beheaded in the square in front of the museum where he worked for over 50 years.
His mutilated body was then hung at a traffic light.
Khaled al-Asaad was the top guardian of Palmyra antiques and, in July 2015, he was captured by Islamic State fighters. Despite many tortures, he did not reveal the location of the museum’s treasures and was executed in the central square of Palmyre. When it became clear that fighters were going to capture Palmyre, scientists led by Al Asaad went to all lengths to hide Palmyre’s unique and invaluable antiques. He played a central role in saving hundreds of artifacts, transporting them from Palmyre to a safe location.
Khaled al-Asaad spoke five languages in addition to six ancient idiomatic languages, some of which are now extinct. Several European countries offered him residence and citizenship, but he refused to leave Syria.
He fought to his death to save the heritage of humanity.

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