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Iranian wrestling champion #NavidAfkari was executed this morning at the very red dawn in #Iran, after months of torture.
Predatory mullahs assassinate the youth of the country,
they only know how to kill to stay in power.
With the execution of young wrestler Navid Afkari, the religious dictatorship thinks to increase the climate of terror to prevent a very next uprising. The world must react and account to the mollahs!
Last night we alerted European governments that have good relations with the mullah regime, of the imminence of its execution, to intervene and prevent this assassination but they did nothing… Shame!
In addition, according to regime media, Javad Zarif, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ruling Religious Fascism in Iran, is expected to make an official visit to France next week. It is more than obvious that unfolding the red carpet in front of the criminal Zarif in Paris, will only strengthen this feeling of impunity in the mullah regime which will interpret this kindness as a green light to execute many other political prisoners sentenced to death waiting currently on death row.
Let’s say loud and strong NO to the red carpet for Zarif in France!