Impact crater beneath Greenland could help explain Ice Age |

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Most of Earth’s surface has been plotted, mapped and measured. And along the way, scientists have turned up a plethora of craters big and small. But there was always one major crater missing.

Source: Impact crater beneath Greenland could help explain Ice Age |


  • Tom Miller

    I thought one of the problems with a meteor explanation for the Younger Dryas was that it was localized, not affecting the Southern Hemisphere.
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    • 5 h
  • Jeromy Asp

    We already know that the sun goes micronova every 12,000 years or so and sends projectiles in our direction. The younger dryas is a part of such cycle.


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    • 16 h
    • Marcus Engdahl

      Jeromy Asp How do we “know” such a thing?


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      • 9 h
      • Marcus Engdahl

        Jeromy Asp Of course we know that there was no global flood that covered mountains. That would have destroyed all glaciers of course, by making them float away.
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        • 2 m
      • Jeromy Asp

        Paul Wing they’re finding isotopes from stellar explosions that were too far away because of their half-lives. They shouldn’t be there if they didn’t come from very close to Earth. Science actually has a term for it, Heinrich cycles. They occur approximately 12,000 years. At every 1,500 or so called Dansgaard-Oeschger events. The popular Noah flood aligns with one of them and appears in folklore and legends from cultures around the world. The planet has a way of resetting itself and so what we blame on humans is actually part of a naturally occurring cycle. I’m not in any way giving humans a free pass. They’re definitely being turds to the environment and heat islands exist. We do need to treat the planet better. But to say it’s all our fault and we need to somehow stop climate change, that’s silly. The more resilient species survive based solely on adaptation to the changes in the environment. That’s the point of the Survival of the Species from Darwin. The exciting thing about this is that slowly, these concepts are being dripped into the mainstream, especially considering that magnetic field loss and reversal is getting more difficult to ignore.–Oeschger_event
        Dansgaard–Oeschger event - Wikipedia
        Dansgaard–Oeschger event – Wikipedia

        Dansgaard–Oeschger event – Wikipedia



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      • Paul Wing

        Marcus Engdahl deep Ice cores and studying geographic sediment layers in rocks could prove/disprove such a theory.


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  • Tom Hollings

    The ice ages come regularly at 10,000 year intervals, and last for 90,000 years. The warm period is 10,000 years. We have been in the present warm period now for 10,000 years.
    Go figure that out.


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  • Joelle Greig

    “The age of discovery” is this. Don’t go looking for it purposefully. That way you WILL make that discovery. It’s like misplacing one’s proverbial car keys. You look and look and simply cannot locate them. Or your cell phone. Then, when you give up the…

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    • 4 h
  • Russell Sickles

    Fits with almost all religions of all over the world of great floods


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    • 10 h
    • Terry Warren

      Flooding is and has always been a major threat to local populations, which is why every culture has a flood myth. Although they are all from different times and places. Just using logical reasoning, you can determine that if there was …

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    • Marcus Engdahl

      Russell Sickles a global flood can be ruled out easily though.


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