I No Longer Like Chocolates – ALAMO OLIVEIRa

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A novel of the modern immigrant experience
Samples of acclaim for the novel and its author:

Emanuel Félix:

Incontestable stylistic virtuosity.

Teresa Ascencao:

Honest and inspirational insight.

Luíz Antônio de Assis Brasil:

It’s time to proclaim: Álamo Oliveira is a great writer.

Francisco Cota Fagundes:

Important and well-informed literary work.

Vamberto Freitas:

He is one of our most conscious and aware men of letters.

Elemar Ghisleni:

An incomparable work.

Ivo Machado:

A miraculous kind of writing… a novel of constant drama.

Lúcia Helena Marques Ribeiro:

A brilliant text.

Gabriela Silva:

In Álamo Oliveira the Azores have a great treasure.

Clarke M. Thomas:

Avoids the usual sentiment… yet touches the heart.

Serdar Tumgoren:

A timely story about an immigrant’s dream.

Álamo Oliveira and friends celebrated April 25 (Portugal’s Carnation Revolution) and freedom of expression at a special conference at the University of California-Berkeley (news coverage courtesy Mundo Português), and at Tulare‘s Festa do Emigrante.

“All of you know how much we love America. So many of our own have gone there and they send back gold eagle coins, clothing, candy, bubblegum and chocolates to us,” [Father Meneses preached]… José Silva would listen to this laundry-list of prosperity and fixate on the chocolates. He loved American chocolates, yet ironically he had never eaten one. He could only imagine their flavor.

– From Chapter 1. Read additional excerpts from the novel on this website.

Read about the world première of Álamo Oliveira’s play, Já não gosto de chocolates (based on this novel) at the Alpendre Theater in Angra do Heroísmo, Terceira

View photos of the première online

– Photo courtesy Diário Insular

ÁLAMO OLIVEIRA is one of the Azores’ most acclaimed and prolific artists. Novelist, poet, playwright, lyricist, essayist, public speaker, theater founder-director, painter – in 2002 he was the University of California-Berkeley’s first Portuguese Writer-in-Residence.

* Learn more about Álamo, as well as translators Diniz Borges and Katharine Baker.

* Read commentaries on the novel by author Álamo Oliveira, translator Diniz Borges and literary scholar Dr. Carmen Ramos Villar.

* Read translated portions of “The Joy of Writing,” Álamo’s pre-publication interview in Diário Insular.

* Diniz Borges discusses Álamo’s play, Bocas de mulheres [The Mouths of Women], performed at several presentations of I No Longer Like Chocolates.

* Álamo Oliveira really does like chocolates! So try Katharine Baker’s favorite dark and white(!) chocolate truffle recipes, posted in English and Portuguese.

Contact us

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In June 2017 a second printing of Já não gosto de chocolates was published by A Companhia das Ilhas, of Pico, Azores.


Register now: Author Álamo Oliveira is scheduled to be honored at the 33rd meeting of the

Associação Internacional dos Colóquios da Lusofonia

2-5 April 2020 ~ Belmonte, PORTUGAL

Save S&H: Buy I No Longer Like Chocolates directly from

PHPC’s book-sales table at the

Portugal Day Festival / Festa do Dia de Portugal

Kelley Park / History Park ~ San Jose, California

Saturday, 13 June 2020

I No Longer Like Chocolates, by Álamo Oliveira

[Originally published as Já não gosto de chocolates]

Translated into English by Diniz Borges and Katharine F. Baker

Portuguese Heritage Publications of California

P.O. Box 32517, San Jose, California 95152

ISBN 0-9728576-8-0 / Library of Congress Catalog Number 2006900697

Click here to order this book now

[Essa obra foi originalmente publicada por Edições Salamandra de Lisboa, Portugal.

Para ler mais em português sobre o romance, clique aqui]

See photos of presentations of I No Longer Like ChocolatesTipton (formal launching), Berkeley, Gilroy, Turlock and Sacramento (above) – and find out about upcoming events in a city near you.

Discover cultural tourism in the Azores!

Álamo Oliveira and Katharine Baker invite you to enjoy a photo album and selected readings on cultural tourism in the scenic Azores, including Álamo’s foreword to the book Açores/Azores (photos by Maurício Abreu, text by Álamo Oliveira).

Read excerpts from “A Man for Off-Season” by Washington Post travel writer John Deiner, on the pleasures of vacationing in the Azores any time of year.

Check out our revised easy-to-use table of links to selected Azores tourism websites and videos, and consult a comprehensive list of travel articles on all nine islands.

New York Times has selected the Azores as one its 52 Places to Go in 2019

Lonely Planet ranks the Azores #3 on its list of Best Regions in the World (2017)

Lonely Planet: The Azores are among its Best Places in Europe (2015)

Azores Among the “Sustainable Destinations Global Top 100” for 2nd Time (2017)

The Azores have once again received the Platinum (highest) Quality Coast Award for Global Sustainable Tourism — leading green destination in Europe (2015-16)

Fodor: The Azores among 25 Places to Go

National Geographic Traveler: The Azores rated #2 among 111 island vacations by a panel of 522 experts in sustainable tourism and destination stewardship.

On April 26, 2014, co-translator Katharine Baker presented a talk in Portuguese comparing the novels I No Longer Like Chocolates by Álamo Oliveira and Land of Milk & Money by Anthony Barcellos at the 21st Colloquium on the Portuguese Language in Porto Formoso, São Miguel, Azores, sponsored by the Associação Internacional dos Colóquios da Lusofonia & Academia Galega da Língua Portuguesa. She earlier gave a presentation in English comparing the novels on July 27, 2013, at Exploring the Portuguese Diaspora in InterDISCIPLINARY and Comparative Perspectives: An International Conference, on the campus of Butler University in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Click here to order this book now

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HOME PAGEAcclaimAcknowledgmentsÁlamo’s play Bocas de mulheresApril 25 – 30th anniversaryAuthor & translators
CommentariesCultural tourism – articlesCultural tourism – linksCultural tourism – photosCultural tourism – textsExcerpts from novel
Interview with ÁlamoPágina portuguesaReceptions – main pageReception – GilroyReception – SacramentoReception – Tipton
Reception-TurlockTruffle recipesContact usWorld première of Álamo’s play Já não gosto de chocolates