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The project “Postcards from Ukraine” aims to record and demonstrate the damage caused to the Ukrainian culture by the Russian troops. Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, they have destroyed more than 388 Ukraine’s historical, architectural and archaeological monuments.
On April 20, 2022, the Palace of Culture in Mariupol was shelled and almost destroyed by the Russian forces, with all its rich cultural history.
In the past, it was the ‘Continental’ hotel in Mariupol that belonged to the family of Tomaso, a local entrepreneur of Italian descent. The hotel was the most innovative and luxurious place in Mariupol in the early 20th century. Famous guests from all over the Russian Empire and Europe stayed in ‘Continental’.
In 2010, the ‘Continental’ was converted to the Palace of Culture ‘Youth’ — the centre of youth movements and creative development. In 2019, a centre of contemporary art opened here under the historical name ‘Hotel Continental’.
Tell the world about the destruction of Ukrainian culture — share postcards on social networks with the hashtag #PostcardsFromUkraine.
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Chrys Chrystello jornalista, tradutor e presidente da direção da AICL
Esta entrada foi publicada em AICL Lusofonia Chrys Nini diversos. ligação permanente.