Explosão em mesquita no Afeganistão deixa mais de 100 mortos e feridos | Mundo | G1

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Explosão aconteceu em uma mesquita xiita; uma minoria religiosa no Afeganistão.

Source: Explosão em mesquita no Afeganistão deixa mais de 100 mortos e feridos | Mundo | G1


A suicide bomb attack on a mosque in the Afghan city of Kunduz has killed at least 50 people, officials say, in the deadliest assault since US forces left.
Bodies were seen scattered inside the Said Abad mosque, used by the minority Shia Muslim community.
More than 100 people were injured in the blast in the northern city.
No group has said it was behind the attack, but Sunni Muslim extremists, including a local Islamic State group, have targeted the Shia community.
They consider Shia Muslims to be heretics.
IS-K, the Afghan regional affiliate of the Islamic State group that is violently opposed to the governing Taliban, has carried out several bombings recently, largely in the east of the country. (BBC)
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