esta e próxima gerações – tudo vai piorar

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Quo Vadis Mundo ?
“Em quase todos os lugares do mundo civilizado encontramos sinais de decadência social: o declínio da observância religiosa e dos costumes locais; o aumento do crime e da violência; a cultura pornocrática dos meios de comunicação em massa; a profanação do amor e do casamento; o colapso da educação e o recuo do indivíduo para a sua esfera de prazer privada.
Essas coisas ameaçam povoar o mundo com uma nova espécie humana – insensível, desleal, promíscua, inculta e ímpia – cuja demanda é o prazer presente, e que olha para os sofrimentos dos outros com indiferença ou alegria.”
Roger Scruton, A Consciência Conservadora – The Salisbury Review, 1994
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  • Mark L. Hotz

    Oddly, I can remember saying the exact same thing as what Roger Scruton observed in 1994. It was that era when the next generation (the millennials) came into their own that it became obvious. This was further exemplified when Gen Z became loud and heard too. This “pattern” is very disturbing because it pretty well demonstrates that NOTHING is going to get better…EVERYTHING will get worse.
    The next generation, when they become of age, will undoubtedly look upon seniors as “a waste of space”, and I can foresee a LOT of turbulent times ahead when that generation looks upon most human beings with an “insensitive, disloyal, promiscuous, uneducated, and ungodly perspective”. They are already “indifferent”…but this will become worse (as one generation sets the stage for the next). The young are already “entitled”, and they will only blame everyone else when they can no longer get the things they feel they are entitled to receive…and we will all be blamed for them being “inconvenienced”.
    Sadly, my own generation didn’t help things at all either though, so we are just as much to blame. I think we started this ugly phenomenon or were at the very least helping it start.