em Timor ainda se morre de malnutrição

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Tatoli – News from Timor-LesteLike Page
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Health authorities have confirmed six(6) children died in Timor-Leste from malnutrition in this year.

The Hospital’s head of Pediatrics, Breviado dos Santos said from January until now, the department recorded 133 children are under malnutrition’s and six fatalities.

“The children passed away under malnutrition often show themselves in weight loss, lack of food and also complications from various disease,” Mr. Santos said.

“We continue to provide them with our standard treatments, we provide medicine, foods, and F75&F100 milks, among the numbers 100 of them have recovered,” he said.

Many people around the world suffer from malnutrition, and 3.1 million children a year die from undernutrition, around 45% of deaths among children under 5 years of age are linked to undernutrition.

According to the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), and a large number of those are children. Undernutrition is the cause of death in 3.1 million children per year. Though significant steps are being made each year, malnutrition affects every country in the world, according to UNICEF.
