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Para não se esquecerem cada vez que acharem que a Ucrânia deve ceder… Leiam bem o relatório!

Recently the UN has published a report of Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine, which was investigating war crimes and human rights violations happening during Russian invasion in February-May 2022 in parts of Kyiv, Chernihiv, Kharkiv, and Sumy regions of Ukraine occupied by the russian army.
I think, everyone has to familiarize themselves with the contents of this document, which can be found here:…/a77533-independent…
The number of registered russian war crimes is vast and the character of those is absolutely mind boggling. While I think that all of the sections have to be read by everyone, I would like to draw your attention to the one called “Sexual and gender-based violence”. Here is just an excerpt from the opening of it:
“88. In the period and locations under review, the Commission has been investigating cases of rape committed by some Russian armed forces soldiers in localities that came under their control, which are war crimes. Victims range from four to over 80 years old. Perpetrators raped the women and girls in their homes or took them and raped them in unoccupied dwellings. In most cases, these acts also amount to torture and cruel or inhumane treatment for the victims and for relatives who were forced to watch. Other incidents of sexual violence were also documented against women, men, and girls. The Commission continues to investigate the extent to which sexual and gender-based violence constituted a widespread pattern.”
I recommend everyone, who suggests Ukrainians to make concessions to russia, to read these lines again, if your opinion does not change, then do it again, and go through the whole section in the report. If this does not help, then just imagine that the data in this report is only about February-March and only about several regions, how much more of these has happened after that, how much more of horrors like these are happening now in the occupied territories just as you read this text…
When you suggest to give up territories to russia, you suggest to condemn the inhabitants of those territories to the life in terror, why would anyone in their clear mind do that?
The current russian war against Ukraine is a genocidal war, the evidences for that are overwhelming. I recommend you to watch a speech by Timothy Snider at the conference International Law Against Genocide:
Not only russian regime, not only russian soldiers and propagandists are guilty for this genocide, but people, who retranslate messages of russian propaganda on the West, as well as the companies which keep working in russia like Ecco and Rokwool are aiding russia in executing genocide of Ukrainians.
Russian regime and army have to be stopped and the only way to make it happen, is to ensure the defeat of the russian forces on the battlefield, unfortunately, current russian regime understands only the language of force.