• Atriz Alina Vaz morre aos 88 anos

    Views: 2

    A atriz fez parte das mais diversas companhias, desde o Nacional D. Maria II ao Experimental do Porto, e fez cinema, televisão e rádio

    Source: Atriz Alina Vaz morre aos 88 anos

  • “Não pode ser coincidência!”: porque se diz que tantos músicos famosos morrem aos 27 anos

    Views: 2

    Clube dos 27. Parece que precisamos de mitos. Porque somos “máquinas criadoras de significado”, é isso que fazemos enquanto seres humanos.

    Source: “Não pode ser coincidência!”: porque se diz que tantos músicos famosos morrem aos 27 anos

  • Quincy Jones, musical titan and entertainment icon, dead at 91 | CNN

    Views: 7

    Musical titan Quincy Jones, the composer and producer who added his tasteful polish to recordings by everyone from Ray Charles to Frank Sinatra to Michael Jackson, has died, according to his representatives. He was 91.

    Source: Quincy Jones, musical titan and entertainment icon, dead at 91 | CNN

  • | In Memoriam | Poet Michael Garcia Spring with roots in the Azores has died – CommunityPortuguese American Journal

    Views: 5

    Portuguese American poet, Michael Garcia Spring, of Azorean roots, has passed away following complications with gallbladder cancer. The author of many poetry books and one children’s book, Spring was known for his love for the

    Source: | In Memoriam | Poet Michael Garcia Spring with roots in the Azores has died – CommunityPortuguese American Journal

  • Soldado recruta morre nos Açores após paragem cardiorrespiratória em testes médicos – Renascença

    Views: 181

    Militar ainda foi transportado de ambulância, para o Hospital do Divino Espírito Santo, e alvo de manobras de reanimação, mas o óbito acabou por ser declarado ao final da manhã.

    Source: Soldado recruta morre nos Açores após paragem cardiorrespiratória em testes médicos – Renascença


    Views: 8

    Such sad news. RIP great George Negus.
    He’s was one of the very good ones and I was lucky and honoured to met him when he was working for SBS Dateline.
    Photos from SBS Xmas party in 2008 with Jenny Brookie and Les Murray.

    Read more via SBS News:
    May be an image of 8 people, people smiling and text
    All reactions:


  • morreu kris

    Views: 11

    May be an image of 1 person, blonde hair and smiling
    Lots of memorializing Kris Kristofferson in my feeds, but this poster triggered an especially vivid memory of watching Convoy in my teens in Poland. RIP Rubber Duck 🛻
    May be an image of 2 people and text that says "KRISTOFFERSON AND MacGRAW... AIN'T NOTHIN' GONNA GET IN THEIR WAY! CONVUY ዝዱ Readthe EMI Fims imspresents AROBERT M.SHERMAN Piocuction KRIS KRISTOFFERSON ALI MacGRAW GRAW "CONVOY" BURT YOUNG alsostaming SINCLAIR-F SNCLAIR-FRANKLINA FRANKLINAJAYE สาว์ ERNEST BORGNINE Ea'DryLye as'DinyLye Ediedby GRAEME CLIFFORD. Screen andScreenplay B.W.L. NORTON. •ExeculireProdupers ExecutiveP ecutiePoduzasMICHAEL MICHAEL DEEL Yan EELEYans BARRY SPIKINGS PGAESTME 色 Prodacedby ROBERT SHERMAN Directedy SAM PECKINPAH PANAVISION® United Artısts AииraaeTcTcR Company Bonke record CONVOY'by 国利会年市自年市年三月国] 783396"
  • Dame Maggie Smith obituary: A piercing presence on stage and screen

    Views: 6

    One of Britain’s best loved performers who was as much at home with comedy as with drama.

    Source: Dame Maggie Smith obituary: A piercing presence on stage and screen