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Arquivo da Categoria: sociedade consumidor
a maior queda seria esta?
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Can’t think of anyone who fell harder and more disgracefully than former 1980s action hero Steven Seagal. He currently weighs 500 pounds and was spotted in late October 2024 visiting Kursk Oblast, Russia. You can see Putin’s most hefty propaganda asset in the picture below, testing the sturdiness of Russian furniture with his rhinoceros’ sized behind.
Before he fled America in disgrace, running away from charges of sexual misconduct, Seagal was a major action hero in the late 1980s and early 1990s. He was a fit, handsome 6′5″ aikido master who opened his own dojo in Japan as a twenty-year-old who didn’t speak a lick of Japanese — he was honestly, and it pains me to admit this, but he was honestly a pretty impressive dude?
Steven Seagal dated and married various models and actresses, fathered seven children, worked as a bodyguard to stars and a martial art advisor to others — he once famously broke Sean Connery’s wrist while working on a Bond film as a young man. Seagal was, for at least a decade or so, “The Man” in Hollywood. He’s become a sad laughing stock in the last twenty years or so but before that, he was kind of a big deal and people often forget that…
He wasn’t a good dude, of course. In fact many sources close to Seagal growing up have mentioned his ties to organized crime. The Russian mafia, to be more precise. His imposing frame and mob ties served Seagal well, as it clearly wasn’t his non-existent acting skills that got him famous. Now he’s the size of a small horse and serving as a propaganda asset for the Russians. He can never set foot in America for fear of a major jail sentence for rape.
falhas na Matriz (Matrix failures )
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como circular em rotundas, pf divulguem isto nas agencias de aluguer de carros
Views: 4
Ah sweet, another rotunda around the corner! Traffic circles / roundabouts in Madeira are convenient, as they save time and allow the traffic to flow. However, as convenient as they are, many foreign nationals are not aware of how to behave when driving in a roundabout in Madeira.
How to behave in a Traffic Circle
Rules for roundabouts vary in different countries, such as Germany or Belgium, just to give a couple of examples. Because more people and visitors are coming to Madeira, and there’s more traffic, the Metropolitan Police of Lisbon has shared a helpful picture to guide everyone on how to use roundabouts.
3 Golden rules you must know
Stay in the outer lane for your first exit.
If you’re taking the first exit, stay in the outer lane of the roundabout. This will keep traffic flowing smoothly and prevent accidents.
Use the inner lane for exits after the first.
If you’re taking an exit after the first, use the inner lane of the roundabout. This will give you priority over vehicles in the outer lane.
Switch lanes safely before your exit.
Before your exit, signal your intention and switch lanes to the outer lane. This will help avoid sudden lane changes and keep traffic flowing safely.
Drive Safely!
Ah, que bom, mais uma rotunda ao virar da esquina! As rotundas na Madeira são convenientes, pois poupam tempo e permitem que o trânsito flua. No entanto, por mais convenientes que sejam, muitos estrangeiros não sabem como se comportar quando conduzem numa rotunda na Madeira.
Como se comportar numa rotunda
As regras para as rotundas variam em diferentes países, como a Alemanha ou a Bélgica, só para dar alguns exemplos. Porque há cada vez mais pessoas e visitantes a chegar à Madeira e há mais trânsito, a Polícia Metropolitana de Lisboa partilhou uma imagem útil para orientar todos sobre como utilizar as rotundas.
3 Regras de ouro que deve saber
Permaneça na faixa exterior para a sua primeira saída.
Se for a primeira saída, mantenha-se na faixa exterior da rotunda. Isto manterá o tráfego a fluir sem problemas e evitará acidentes.
Utilize a via interior para as saídas após a primeira.
Se for apanhar uma saída depois da primeira, utilize a via interior da rotunda. Isto dar-lhe-á prioridade sobre os veículos na faixa exterior.
Mude de faixa de rodagem em segurança antes da saída.
Antes da saída, sinalize a sua intenção e mude de faixa para a faixa exterior. Isto ajudará a evitar mudanças repentinas de faixa e manterá o tráfego a fluir em segurança.
Conduza com segurança!
e as-criancas-po-osvaldo-cabral.pdf
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j´não bastavam os outros filhos da …acores-os-filhos-da-droga-e-do-alcool.pdf
Kultura para quê?beber uns copos é que é…Açorianos são dos que menos gastam em cultura
Views: 6
Famílias açorianas gastaram em média 534 euros em despesas de lazer, recreação, desporto e cultura: 2,7% da despesa anual em 2023. Somente na região Oeste e Vale do Tejo é que se gastou menos do que nos Açores (2,4%)
Prometeu e cumpriu. Empresário que comprou banana por 5,9 milhões comeu-a (pode ser milionáriox2 mas não deixa de ser um anormal!
Views: 8
Justin Sun, que ultrapassou as licitações de seis outros, comeu a obra de arte durante uma conferência de imprensa, em Hong Kong.
Source: Prometeu e cumpriu. Empresário que comprou banana por 5,9 milhões comeu-a
a roubalheira da black friday
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como passamos a desperdiçar tempo em 90 anos
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