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Paul Farthing vive em Cabul desde 2007 e garante que só deixa a cidade com os membros do staff e os 200 animais da sua instituição.
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Paul Farthing vive em Cabul desde 2007 e garante que só deixa a cidade com os membros do staff e os 200 animais da sua instituição.
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Michelle Bachelet indicou que a ONU tem conhecimento de eventos que variam desde a “restrições aos direitos das mulheres” a “execuções sumárias”.
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Estados Unidos, Reino Unido e Austrália emitiram avisos simultâneos, considerando “ameaças à segurança” ou “ameaça muito elevada de ataque terrorista”
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The one in the picture is Thomas Claudi, 31 years old, the Italian consul in Kabul, picking up an Afghan child at the airport, bringing him to safety.Claudi is the only Italian diplomat left in Kabul since the Taliban seized power.He could have jumped on the first plane and went back to Italy, in his dressing room, like thousands did.No, it’s not. Instead, he decided to stay there, in his place, and for eight days he’s been living at Kabul Airport for the last eight days, coordinating the repatriation and rescue operations of countrymen, co-workers and anyone in need, women and children in the lead.If we managed to bring thousands of Italians and Afghans back to Rome to record time, we owe it above all to this servant of the State, to his courage and to the deep sense of his mission.Italy in the world today is represented by this young diplomat of 31 years. From this dramatic and gorgeous image.There’s only to be proud of it. And say thank you to him.
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