Categoria: Politica Politicos

  • Man opens plane’s door and walks on wing at Australian airport before he’s arrested

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    A passenger has been arrested at an Australian airport after he left a stationary airliner through an emergency exit, walked along a wing and then climbed down a jet engine to the tarmac

    Source: Man opens plane’s door and walks on wing at Australian airport before he’s arrested

  • Watch: ‘I’m done’ – Kiwi venting about life in Australia goes viral

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    ‘Someone please book me a flight back to New Zealand because I’m done.’

    Source: Watch: ‘I’m done’ – Kiwi venting about life in Australia goes viral

  • negociatas(sempre os mesmos???)

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  • misteriosas pirâmides secretas na china

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    Suggested for you Michael Fontaine
    📖 A mysterious ancient gate in Hejin – China
    It’s a little known fact, but pyramids were built in ancient China. The Chinese pyramids are rarely spoken about or written. Probably few people know, that there are more of them than the Egyptian and Mexican combined. They are at the same age as them and at their time they probably served the same functions, the secret has not been revealed until today.
    West of Xi’an, there are more than a hundred pyramids on an area of 20,000 square meters. The natives call this area “The Valley of the Pyramids.” The site is closed to visitors because it’s located in an area where secret military facilities are kept.
    Why do the Chinese keep their pyramids a secret?
    Mainly, because the area has a satellite launch spacecraft, ballistic missile range and other secret military facilities. Satellite images show that the modern space complex and a large ancient pyramid are connected by two straight lines. Is it possible that the Chinese have learned to use some of the energetic properties of the pyramids?
    There are many interesting ancient objects in China that people from outside of China won’t see – and it’s a great pity. In the next post we will take a closer look at the mysterious Chinese pyramids.
    Today I would like to show you a strange door situated in a very secluded place. Nobody knows when or who built them. One of the theories states it was a fortress.
    This mysterious fortress, perched atop a lofty slope, is cleverly hidden behind deep gorges, making it almost invisible to the unrighteous eye. Even the locals have little knowledge of its historical origin. The meaning and design of the fortress came to light only thanks to the tips of an 80-year-old resident named Hou Jun’e. His knowledge of the area played a key role in discovering the paths leading to this historic site.
    Hejin City Fortress is extremely difficult to see from a distance, blending in smoothly with the surrounding terrain, making it a perfect hideaway. Only after a closer look led by a well-informed native one will you realise that this is in fact an ancient bastion camouflaged from intruders… over the ages.
    The approach to the Hejin City fortress is defined by natural obstacles and steep peaks, which in the past could only be overcome with makeshift wooden bridges, which suggest strategic use of the fortress as a protective hideout. Entering through a small gate, visitors encounter an uphill ramp made of loose ground, intentionally designed to be slippery and hard to climb, which is a clear protection against intruders. What could have been placed on the very top of the building, no one knows. Inside of tz a land resembling an ancient ark opens forts. On the sides of the fortress there used to be caves, providing shelter for people and animals in moments of danger. Since then, they have eroded, leaving only the plateau and its gate.
    We know from local stories that the mysterious shelter has been used for hundreds of years, but we’re still not sure how old it is and who built it.
    ***Want more stories and posts like this? Today we are continuing our fundraising drive to reach our goal. If you are able, please help support our group today. Every little bit helps!
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    Maria Lodewyks

    Wowee, super interesting indeed, thks for sharing, any more info?
  • Biden aprova plano nuclear secreto focado na China. Pequim admite preocupação

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    O plano que redefine a estratégia nuclear dos Estados Unidos foi renovado em março e terá um novo enfoque especial na China. Washington acredita que Pequim terá um arsenal nuclear capaz de rivalizar com o americano e o russo até 2035. Joe Biden aprovou em março um plano secreto que redireciona a estratégia nuclear os Estados Unidos para a China, focando-se em tentar travar a expansão do programa chinês. A notícia foi avançada pelo New York Times, que refere ainda que o Pentágono acredita que a quantidade e diversidade de armamento nuclear de Pequim será capaz de rivalizar com os

    Source: Biden aprova plano nuclear secreto focado na China. Pequim admite preocupação

  • sem-abrigo em PDL

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    May be an image of road and street
    Foto de 16 de agosto de 2024. Centro de Ponta Delgada. Será isso que queremos? Então Pedro Nascimento Cabral?












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    Margarida Veiga, Weber Da Rocha Borges and 22 others


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    Gilberto Moniz

    Até parece que isso só acontece agora, haja vergonha e respeito pelos pobres de espírito que caiem nesta desgraça.
    • 56 minutes ago
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    Weber Da Rocha Borges

    Top contributor
    Gilberto Moniz , é pô-los na ordem !
    • 23 minutes ago
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    Filipe Campos E Matos

    A culpa disso é dos turistas
    • 30 minutes ago
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    Carlos Brandao

    Top contributor
    Está é a Câmara que os Pontadelgadenses escolheram. Infelizmente…
    • 9 minutes ago
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    Isabel Machado

    O problema destes post é os comentários ignorantes que aqui deixam ..desde quando devemos concordar com isto que esta acontecer se eles tem tudo para sairem da rua , de graça! Enquanto nós estamos a trabalhar pra todo o tipo de desgraça ” o que chamam a isto !”
    • 54 minutes ago
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    José Malagueta da Terra

    Há quanto tempo acontecem situações deste género? Há quanto tempo se tem alertado para a necessidade de por equipas multidisciplinares na rua – com capacidade real de internar compulsivamente os indivíduos que já perderam a capacidade de cuidarem de si – e resolver de uma vez por todas com este flagelo. Nunca houve vontade de acabar com esta desgraça!
  • How to unlock supermarket trolley without £1 coin – use ‘life-changing’ hack |

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    A woman has shared a “life-changing” hack that allows shoppers to unlock a supermarket trolley without needing a £1 coin. she recommends trying two methods.

    Source: How to unlock supermarket trolley without £1 coin – use ‘life-changing’ hack |


    No coins for trolley?Worry no more coz Q-tips or Key will do the job too 🤭😱 #cottonswab #qtips #key #trolleyhack #trolley #hack #hacks #momhack #momhacks #lifehack #lifehacks #tiktokhacks #hacksoflife #wow #amazing #fyp #foryou #foryoupage #viral #trending #tiger_lee_uk

    ♬ LOONEY TUNES PART 2 – Cavendish