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Categoria: turismo lazer viagens
ASAE instaura 327 processos a estabelecimentos de Alojamento Local e empreendimentos turísticos – Jornal Açores 9
saudades da minha terra Sydney
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a ilha do Ataúro em Timor
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Santa Maria – O impacto da aviação na mais antiga das ilhas açorianas – O Jornal Económico
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Marcada desde há muitas décadas pela presença da aviação e da aeronáutica, Santa Maria tem muitos encantos para descobrir, aliando gastronomia e paisagens para mais altos voos enquanto destino turístico.
Source: Santa Maria – O impacto da aviação na mais antiga das ilhas açorianas – O Jornal Económico
Timor’s Whale Tourism Making Waves
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Rosely Forganes shared a link to the group: Timor, Crocodilo Voador.
Home BUSINESS Timor’s Whale Tourism Making Waves, but Operators Feel They’re Sailing Out Alone BUSINESS Timor’s Whale Tourism Making Waves, but Operators Feel They’re Sailing Out Alone The Marine Tourism Association says Timor “on the verge of a major boom” after its biggest ever whale-watch…TIMOR DESTINO TURÍSTICO INAPROVEITADO
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Rosely Forganes shared a link to the group: Timor, Crocodilo Voador., Azores, Portugal.
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João Silveira shared a post to the group: HOMELAND, SWEET HOMELAND !
Vale das Furnas- Ilha de S. Miguel. 11.11.19
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João Silveira shared a photo to the group: HOMELAND, SWEET HOMELAND !
A montanha da ilha do Pico.
Bruno ÁzeraThe Mountain of the Azores.
I would love to revisit this place with light like this. 😃
PS: I had a hard drive problem a while back and lost all of the photos we took on this trip, so back up your work (twice).
Love Azores.
Discover the Azores with us / Private Photo Tours and Adventures for Outdoor and Nature lovers.
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