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Sydney’s worst single day on record for smoke haze forced thousands of workers to abandon work sites, schools to cancel excursions and sports and firefighters to attend scores of jobs.
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Sydney’s worst single day on record for smoke haze forced thousands of workers to abandon work sites, schools to cancel excursions and sports and firefighters to attend scores of jobs.
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A thick blanket of smoke has blanketed on Sydney triggering smoke alarms and forcing the cancellation of outdoor events.
Source: Sydney workers evacuated as smoke triggers alarms at offices, train stations
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“I can’t breathe. They say something like 100 bush and grass fires are raging across the state. The city I live in feels like a scene from Blade Runner 2049 come to life in 2019. There is no other way to see it: our dead future is here.”
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The results were particularly bad for NSW, which recorded the country’s biggest drop in both reading and science over the period since the tests began in the early 2000s. The state also recorded significant declines in maths.
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O Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros australiano está alegadamente a tentar censurar partes do primeiro de dois volumes da história de operações militares australianas em Timor-Leste, o dedicado à Interfet, segundo a imprensa australiana.
Source: Austrália acusada de censura a livro sobre história de Timor-Leste
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Source: Life against the odds in Australia’s underground town – BBC Reel
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Norfolk Island is a tiny landmass of about 1,800 people in the South Pacific, about 500 miles (800 km) from the nearest country.
Source: Norfolk Island: One third want to ditch Australia for New Zealand | CNN Travel
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The Australien Government has made an ad about West Papua and it’s surprsingly honest and informative! 🇮🇩🇦🇺
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