Content warning: The following email details Neo-Nazi extreme violence that some members may find distressing. CHRYS, Last week, two Neo-Nazi racists in South Australia were arrested for possession of home-made bombs and dangerous weapons.1 It comes after explosive revelations from the ABC that Neo-Nazis are actively preparing for a race war. 2 Another racist group spray-painted swastikas on park footpaths for children to see, while a man with a swastika on his forehead threatened an Aboriginal woman with a flamethrower.3, 4 What has Scott Morrison said in response to this rising tide of racism? Nothing. And that matters. His silence emboldens far-right extremists to go even further with their racist actions and rhetoric. And it encourages the far right of his party to give a wink and a nod to racist groups. That’s why we have to put racist Neo-Nazis and far-right extremism on the national agenda, so Morrison can’t dodge it any longer. Because if he’s directly confronted about it, he’ll be forced to condemn it. It will be a clear warning shot to racist extremists that their actions won’t be tolerated, whether they’re spreading hate online, threatening people in our communities, or even Morrison’s own politicians attending far-right rallies. Sign the petition calling on Morrison to denounce Neo-Nazi racism in Australia.
When Scott Morrison ignores Neo-Nazis, he not only encourages far-right extremists, but permits Liberal politicians to be more brazen with their own words. It means other racists feel more confident to discriminate against communities. Racism becomes more accepted, more prevalent, and more dangerous.The Coalition is always worried about losing votes to One Nation and other right wing parties, which could explain why Morrison has been silent until now. But after the Christchurch mosque attack, we successfully pressured Morrison to condemn One Nation and preference them behind Labor in the last election. So we know calling attention to racist extremism can force Morrison’s hand. We can stop this vicious cycle by putting Scott Morrison on notice. If he comes out against it, it draws a line in the sand for the rest of his party and far-right extremists, that the rise of vile and dangerous racism in our streets and our parliament has gone too far — and it stops now. The Morrison Government can’t ignore Neo-Nazis any longer. Call on Scott Morrison to condemn far-right extremism in Australia. ASIO recently reported that 40% of their casework involves far-right extremism, a steep increase of 10% from before 2016.5 Even with the country’s leading intelligence agency declaring that Neo-Nazis are a huge and increasing threat, our Prime Minister is still twiddling his thumbs. If we don’t act, that’s all he’ll ever do. But if we can show that tens of thousands of Australians are demanding action, we can get Scott Morrison to admit that Neo-Nazis are a serious problem in Australia. We can show communities impacted by racism that our movement is ready to stand in solidarity until everyone in this country feels safe – no matter the colour of our skin, where we come from, or who we pray to. Sign the petition telling Scott Morrison it’s time to take a stand against racism and Neo-Nazis. In solidarity, The Human Rights team.
[1] Improvised explosives, extremist material found as two men arrested in Adelaide, ABC, 8 April 2021.
[2] The Base tapes, ABC, 26 March 2021.
[3] Police raid Queensland home in relation to Neo-Nazi graffiti, 9 News, 12 April 2021.
[4] Police search for man with swastika on forehead after Aboriginal woman attacked with makeshift flamethrower,, 23 February 2021.
[5] Asio reveals up to 40% of its counter-terrorism cases involve far-right violent extremism, The Guardian, 22 September 2020.