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Two artists taking part in Australia’s Rising festival have been stopped from boarding a plane to Melbourne via London, in a case that highlights how hard it is for Haitians to travel
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Two artists taking part in Australia’s Rising festival have been stopped from boarding a plane to Melbourne via London, in a case that highlights how hard it is for Haitians to travel
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Kathleen Folbigg was dubbed “Australia’s worst female serial killer” after being convicted over the deaths of her 4 children, but modern medicine raised “reasonable doubt.”
Source: Australian mother pardoned after 20 years in prison for killing her young children – CBS News
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Good history – like good journalism and justice – has fact as its bedrock
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SYDNEY: Australia’s independent wage-setting body said on Friday (Jun 2) it would raise the minimum wage by 5.75 per cent from Jul 1, as families grapple with soaring living costs.
Source: Australia raises minimum wage by 5.75% as living costs surge – CNA
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After being lauded for his tough Covid response and winning the most one-sided election in Australian history, Labor premier goes out at the top
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Some say this law is forcing some renters into homelessness and must be changed.
Source: The ‘impossible choice’ some renters are facing | SBS News
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Fábrica de chapéus abandonada no centro de Sydney, na Austrália, foi consumida pelas chamas.
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“Fogo começou a espalhar-se para vários edifícios vizinhos, incluindo residenciais”, declarou o corpo de bombeiros do estado de Nova Gales do Sul.
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Police officer charged after he used stun gun on Clare Nowland, who had been living with dementia in a nursing home.
Source: Tasered 95-year-old great-grandmother dies in Australia | Police News | Al Jazeera