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Mineradora australiana investe em frota de rodotrens autônomos
Source: Sem motoristas: 120 super rodotrens autônomos irão operar na Austrália
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Mineradora australiana investe em frota de rodotrens autônomos
Source: Sem motoristas: 120 super rodotrens autônomos irão operar na Austrália
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The Australian government wants tourists older than 75 to get a visa that requires a chest X-ray and a medical exam from one of their certified doctors before entering the country.
Source: Australia now requires medical exams for travelers over 75
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An obscure 1980s documentary about the Indigenous land rights movement has become a clarion call for those opposing the Voice to Parliament. An ABC Investigations analysis has traced how a debunked conspiracy theory about communists was weaponised to divide voters on the referendum.
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Homeless people are threatened with fines and even jail time as councils crack down on those forced to sleep in car parks amid a nationwide housing crisis.
Source: Perth councils defend crackdown on people sleeping in vans amid nationwide rental crisis – ABC News
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Quando a rispidez não funcionou, a australiana viu-se obrigada a recorrer a outra tática.
Source: Ave ‘invade’ quarto. Mulher recorre a ‘voz de mãe’ para a expulsar
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This year’s ethics index report has been released, and reveals the workers Australians trust the most, and the least.
Source: Here are Australia’s most and least trusted professionals and occupations | SBS News
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A embarcação naufragou-se em 1973 e foi descoberta em Abril ao largo da costa da Tasmânia, na Austrália.
Source: Descoberto misterioso naufrágio australiano que esteve perdido durante 50 anos
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Hop behind the wheel and come for road trip with Man of Many as we take a look at the 17 Best Driving Roads in Australia for car enthusiasts.
Source: 9 Incredible Australian Road Trips For Car Enthusiasts | Man of Many
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The video captures a 16-foot long snake slithering onto a tree from the roof of a house in Australia’s Queensland.
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China has indeed changed while in Australia fear of China is still so entrenched Australians fear that invasion is imminent.
Source: Australia’s ‘yellow peril’ fear is rooted in history – Pearls and Irritations