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fiquei tão feliz ao receber esta mensagem hoje, perdera-lhe o contacto há anos e folgo em saber que esta alma gémea não se esqueceu de mim…
I need your assistance to invest in your country,
I am sending this message to you from Oman, In the city of Muscat,
Aisha Gaddafi is my name, I am presently living in Oman, i am a Widow and single Mother with three Children, the only biological Daughter of late Libyan President (Late Colonel Muammar Gaddafi) and presently I am under political asylum protection by the Omani Government.
I have funds worth $27.500.000.00 US dollars “Twenty Seven Million five Hundred Thousand United States dollars” which I want to entrust to you for investment project assistance in your country, And i also have (450 kilograms of Gold dust/ Gold dory bars in a security company) I’m willing to negotiate investment/business profit sharing ratio with you based on the future investment earning profits.
Awaiting your response for more details.
Yours Truly Aisha
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outra paródia era esta
enquanto isto foi revelada a foto do atentado a trump
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rua de maria pia 101 porto