Categoria: HUMOR Humour


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  • reencontro de amigos

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    fiquei tão feliz ao receber esta mensagem hoje, perdera-lhe o contacto há anos e folgo em saber que esta alma gémea não se esqueceu de mim…
    Caro amigo
    Preciso da vossa ajuda para investir no vosso país,
    Estou a enviar-lhe esta mensagem de Omã, na cidade de Mascate,
    Chamo-me Aisha Gaddafi e vivo atualmente em Omã. Sou viúva e mãe solteira de três filhos, a única filha biológica do falecido Presidente líbio (o falecido Coronel Muammar Gaddafi) e estou atualmente sob proteção de asilo político do Governo de Omã.
    Tenho fundos no valor de $27.500.000,00 dólares americanos “Twenty Seven Million five Hundred Thousand United States dollars” que quero confiar-lhe para assistência a projectos de investimento no seu país, e também tenho (450 quilogramas de pó de ouro/barras de ouro numa empresa de segurança).
    Aguardo a vossa resposta para mais detalhes.
    Atenciosamente, Aisha
    Traduzido com a versão gratuita do tradutor –
    Dear Friend

    I need your assistance to invest in your country,

    I am sending this message to you from Oman, In the city of Muscat,

    Aisha Gaddafi is my name, I am presently living in Oman, i am a Widow and single Mother with three Children, the only biological Daughter of late Libyan President (Late Colonel Muammar Gaddafi) and presently I am under political asylum protection by the Omani Government.

    I have funds worth $27.500.000.00 US dollars “Twenty Seven Million five Hundred Thousand United States dollars” which I want to entrust to you for investment project assistance in your country, And i also have (450 kilograms of Gold dust/ Gold dory bars in a security company) I’m willing to negotiate investment/business profit sharing ratio with you based on the future investment earning profits.

    Awaiting your response for more details.

    Yours Truly Aisha

  • paris 2024 blasfémias

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    May be an image of 1 person and text

    May be an image of 1 person, beard and lighter

    outra paródia era esta


    May be an image of 4 people

    Pode ser uma imagem de 1 pessoa e harpa

    Pode ser uma imagem de 12 pessoas

    Pode ser uma imagem de 9 pessoas

    Pode ser uma imagem de 11 pessoas

    Pode ser uma imagem de 6 pessoas

    Estes são os meus princípios. Se não gostarem tenho outros.
    Groucho Marx.
    May be an image of 3 people
    Nenhuma descrição de foto disponível.
    Pode ser uma imagem de 3 pessoas
    May be an image of 11 people and wedding
    Nenhuma descrição de foto disponível.
    Nenhuma descrição de foto disponível.
    Pode ser uma imagem de texto
    Pode ser uma imagem de videogames e texto
    Pode ser uma arte pop de 3 pessoas e texto
    Pode ser uma imagem de 1 pessoa
    Pode ser uma imagem de brinquedo
    Pode ser uma imagem de 8 pessoas
    Pode ser uma imagem de 13 pessoas e texto
    Pode ser um doodle de texto
    Pode ser uma ilustração
    All reactions:



    enquanto isto foi revelada a foto do atentado a trump
    May be an image of 1 person and text

    May be an image of 3 people, the Oval Office and text

  • equidade

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  • laranja ao fundo

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    May be an image of 1 person, drink, body of water and text that says "A whole orange will float on water but, a peeled orange will sink. Why? Xavier Author Admin If you're bathing in the pool and someone snatches your clothes, what will you do? Definitely you'll hide under water. That's what oranges do. do."

  • proibições e mais proibições

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    May be an image of text


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    On the Buses, Queensland, Australia
    May be an image of tram and text

    DIY Panda



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    Sheikh Mai Dala

    The world’s most famous car brand Rolls-Royce is also associated with Rajasthan. A famous buyer of this car was the Maharaja of Alwar. He always bought three automobiles at a time.
    One day during his visit to London, Maharaja Jai Singh was walking in casual dress on Bond Street. He saw a Rolls Royce showroom and went inside to inquire about the price and features of their cars. The showroom salesmen thought he was a poor Indian. They insulted him and showed him the way out.
    After this insult, Maharaja came back to his hotel room and asked his servants to call the showroom that the Maharaja of Alwar was interested in purchasing a few cars.
    After a few hours, the Maharaja reached the Rolls Royce showroom again but in full royal regalia wearing his royal costume. The showroom had a red carpet on the floor to welcome the Maharaja and all the salesmen bowed before him with respect. The Maharaja purchased all the six cars that they had at the showroom at that time and paid the full amount with delivery costs.
    After reaching India, Maharaja ordered municipal department to use all those six Rolls Royce cars for cleaning and transporting city’s waste.
    The world’s number one Rolls Royce cars were being used for transportation of Alwar city’s waste. The news spread all over the world and the reputation of Rolls Royce Company became a laughing stock.
    Whenever someone used to boast in Europe or America that he owned a Rolls Royce, people used to laugh saying, “which one? The same that is used in India for carrying the waste of the city?”
    After the severe damage to reputation, sales of Rolls Royce cars dropped rapidly and the revenue of the company showed a decline.
    The Rolls Royce company owners sent a telegram to the Maharaja in India offering apologies and requested him to stop transportation of waste in Rolls Royce cars. Not only this, they also offered six new cars to the Maharaja free of cost.
    When Maharaja Jai Singh observed that the Rolls Royce company had learnt a lesson, he stopped using those cars for carrying waste.
    May be an image of car and text
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  • quando o frigo me deixa de fora (smart houses…

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    Some users of ‘Smart Fridges’ were locked out with Microsoft’s global IT outage.
    This is actually the whole point of SMART things – they can remotely switch them off…whenever they like….all of it!!
    May be an image of text
  • máquina de lavar da minha mãe 1953-54

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    rua de maria pia 101 porto