Pentagon Hides 23-Minute UFO Video & UFO Photo 50 Feet From Cockpit, Elizondo Claimed

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The congressional document reveals that some UFOs are not man-made and pose a national security threat to the United States. Finally, the subject of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) is considere…

Source: Pentagon Hides 23-Minute UFO Video & UFO Photo 50 Feet From Cockpit, Elizondo Claimed

Moon’s Secret Finally Revealed By China?! – Do Extraterrestrial Structures Exist On The Moon?! – Alien History

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Space colonization is no longer a pipe dream, and China is already putting its cards on the table. The People’s Republic of China has displayed an advanced space colonization plan that started in 2017 and will end in 2022 with the first man landing on Mars. With the space mission Chang’e 4 (later Chang’e 5) China hopes to examine the lunar terrain in the dark area of the moon and establish a permanent location that will serve as a station or intermediate for future transit to Mars. The Chang’e 4’s primary goal is to conduct research on the Moon’s surface

Source: Moon’s Secret Finally Revealed By China?! – Do Extraterrestrial Structures Exist On The Moon?! – Alien History

pico a magia à noite

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Pico’s mountain between stars…
Pode ser uma imagem de céu e natureza
A Via Láctea
Montanha do Pico
Ilha do Pico
(Há sempre uma esperança de ser possível captar uma imagem destas, a hora, o lugar, as condições atmosféricas, tudo conta, mas quando se consegue é algo inimaginável , o prazer que nos dá)
