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Source: pekube’s minimalist viewpoint to suspend visitors over rugged azorean cliff in portugal
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Joana Mota, João de Medeiros and 44 others
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2,3 mil
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tal como nos carros atuais, todos grandes , feios e iguais, tb as casas seguem o mesmo modelo…
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Imagine a building that defies architectural logic! The Los Ficus building, in Tenerife, Spain, is a stunning work that literally holds up a road. Built in the 1970s, this residential complex is one-of-a-kind as its foundations not only support multi-family housing but also a road down to the coast.
The design is due to the need to make the most of space in a mountainous area, where the land was limited and difficult to build. Engineers devised a bold plan: to raise the …See more
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com tanto $$$ do turismo seria altura de reconstruir o nosso património
Carlos Melo Bento and 11 others
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todo o património da cidade é assim tratado,,,,qualquer que seja, qual a novidade, terra de gentios, incultos, ignorantes e desmerecedores do passado..
You, Pierre Sousa Lima and 3 others
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O espólio histórico da extinta indústria de açúcar SINAGA, em
Source: Espólio museológico da SINAGA “devidamente preservado para memória futura”