Categoria: arqueologia antropologia biologia botanica geologia


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    May be an image of 3 people, Saqsaywaman, Stone Henge and text

    The one you see in the photo is probably the largest artificial monolith on Earth. It is about 19.60 meters long and weighs 1,650 tons. It’s located in Baalbek, Lebanon, and has been around since at least the Roman times, if not long before (we’re even talking about 5,000 years, but there’s no exact dates). The size and weight of this “monster” leaves engineers of our time speechless. And they wonder how their “colleagues” from thousands of years ago built and transport something similar.
    What’s even more surprising is that this monolith is not unique to the region. Nearby is what’s called the “temple of Jupiter”. The upper part of the temple is very Roman, no doubt. But the Roman temple rests on a “base” built with giant stones. The base consists of 27 giant limestone blocks. Three of them, weighing 1,000 tons each, are known as “Thriliton” and form a kind of “belt” around all the blocks. This construction teaches us that for builders, cutting and moving blocks of more than 1,000 tons was not rediculous at all. They obviously knew how to do this, without any major problems.
    Legends of Baalbek, allegorically, tell us that even people from a distant past knew there were “uncommon” things going on there. There are many legends about Baalbek: according to some ancient Arabic manuscripts, it would have belonged to Nemrod, the legendary Babylonian king mentioned in the Bible, who would have ordered its reconstruction after the deluge, and it would have been entrusted to the giants. Other ancient texts take it back to Cain, who founded it 133 years after the creation of man, and here too speak of the Giants who traditionally populated it. Cain built Baalbek to escape the wrath of Yahewh.
    It’s likely that the ancient inhabitants of this area used allegorical figures such as Cain, the Giants, Yahweh, to describe things they couldn’t understand. Even today, we struggle to understand how it’s possible that simple human beings used 1,650-ton “monsters” as “bricks” (and not as obelis, as the Romans did, for example). Why did they need such a thing? How did they move them so easily? How did they cut them with such precision?
    Many today believe that ancient civilizations existed in various parts of the Earth, including in the Mediterranean Basin, and that they were probably wiped out by climate change. Nan Madol city, the Great Pyramid, Gunung Padang, is probably part of it. And they leave us with slippers. Are Baalbek’s “colossal monoliths” also on this list?
    The article continues in the book:
    HOMO RELOADED – The hidden history of the last 75,000 years
    You can find a copy of the book at this link

    See original

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    Paulo Jorge Miranda
    2 mutual friends: Mario Jorge Costa and Maria Conceição Silva
    Went to Escola Secundária Antero de Quental


    Boa tarde. Gostaria que lesse o meu artigo e qual sua opiniao sobre isto.


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    Não, não é de comer…

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