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Many fine and utterly deserving tributes have been published about the legendary Carmel Budiardjo since she died in London on 10 July, 2021, aged 96. Katharine McGregor’s in Inside Indonesia 19 July 2021 is particularly recommended.
In addition to the Timor-Leste government’s affectionate motion of condolence, and before that it’s prestigious Ordem de Timor-Leste in 2009, the country’s most enduring tribute can be found in the CAVR report. Chega! highlights the uniqueness and authority of Carmel’s Tapol bulletin. Unique, because its ‘regularity, longevity and professionalism’ made it an essential pre-internet resource on East Timor. Authoritative, because Carmel was one of the few foreign Timor activists who spoke Indonesian and knew Indonesia well.
Chega! also points out Carmel’s productive collaboration with Indonesians, notably with Liem Soei Liong. Inter alia, they co-authored important books on East Timor. Liem’s contribution should not be forgotten. At the Permanent Peoples Tribunal in Lisbon in 1981, Liem and Jusfiq Hadjar were the first Indonesians to openly oppose the Indonesian occupation and support independence for East Timor. As punishment, the Suharto regime blacklisted both from returning to Indonesia. Chega! reports that Liem denied that he and Carmel’s work was undertaken to advance the interests of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI), an excuse used by Indonesia and some to discredit her work. Liem’s daughter, Alexandra Van den Bergh, worked at CAVR.
I valued Tapol bulletin, exchanged material, brought Carmel to Australia to testify in the 1981-82 Parliamentary inquiry into East Timor and visited Tapol more than once. The last time was with Annie in 2006 (see photo) to discuss responses to the Chega! report, but Tapol was more focussed on West Papua by then. In 2009, I caught up with Carmel again in Dili when we were both awarded OTLs in Dili. A photo shows her with Ibu Ade Sitompul, another Indonesian not to be forgotten.
I will also never forget Carmel’s distinctive English accent or her way of saying East Timor, always emphasising the last syllable!

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- Ciaran CrehanPatrick Walsh a nice tribute, Pat. She must have been an extraordinary woman.
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- Ken WestmorelandCiaran Crehan She certainly was – I was a volunteer at TAPOL when I lived down the road from her, not least during the East Timor independence referendum, when Arsenio Bano went to Portugal to vote.