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Can anyone even begin to imagine the Life-Long Trauma inflicted in these young lives before they left their homeland? Then, when they flee for their lives with their parents to a land that is supposed to free, this is what we do to them.
It’s a horrible, horrible thing to do to children and their parents. I can’t think of anything this country has done in my lifetime of 66 years that has upset me more.
I lived through the Vietnam War era, I experienced the horrible oil spill in Alaska and I’ve been a single mother and grandmother who has lived through all the abuse this society has to hand out to single mothers but this… nothing compares to this.
Ask yourself this question, “why are these 10,000 children being held? Will the integration of 10,000 innocent children and their families really hurt the American budget when billions are spent every day to police the world for the benefit of conglomerates who don’t give a rats ass about anything but their pocketbooks?” Exactly how do we justify this?