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often than not, never return.
Losing star Michael Weatherly spelled the end for Bull
- TV Show: Bull
- Number of Seasons: 6 seasons, 125 episodes
- Final Episode Date: May 26, 2022
Immediately fitting into CBS’s schedule of legal and crime procedural programs was easy for ‘Bull.’ After all, it covered the lesser-known world of jury consulting, with Jason Bull – played by Michael Weatherly – leading Trial Analysis Corporation to find the ideal jurors to help his high-profile and high-paying clients walk away scot-free. Perhaps unsurprisingly, ‘Bull’ was an instant hit.
The first two seasons were in the top ten most-watched programs on broadcast TV, with ‘Bull’ eventually churning out six seasons and 125 episodes. Sadly, Weatherly announced in January 2022 that he was about to “pursue new creative challenges” and walk away from the show. Rather than recast the star, CBS simply decided to cancel ‘Bull’ instead.