bora lá criar uma nova religião

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Luther didn’t like the Catholic Church and founded the Lutheran Church..
Calvin disliked the Lutheran church and founded the Reformed or Calvinist church.
Henry VIII didn’t like being denied his Catholic marriage and founded the Anglican Church.
John Smith disliked the Anglican church and founded the Baptist church.
William Miller didn’t like the Baptist church and founded the Adventist.
Ellen G White really liked what William Miller said and founded the Seventh-day Adventist church..
Charles T Russell didn’t like the Adventist church and founded Jehovah’s witnesses.
Joseph Smith disliked the Methodist Church and founded the church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints (the Mormons)
John Wesley disliked the Anglican church and founded the Methodist church..
Some pastors didn’t like the Methodist church and founded the Pentecostal church..
Many did not like the Pentecostal church and founded thousands of churches as stop suffering, assemblies of God, light of the world, and a long etcetera.

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