austrália partilha vacinas com timor

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Australia is sharing 500,000 more COVID-19 vaccines with Timor-Leste over the coming month to accelerate the national rollout. 300,000 AstraZeneca arrived in Dili today.
This is our largest delivery to date and takes to 577,850 the number of COVID-19 vaccines we have so far shared with Timor-Leste.
With the Delta variant recently identified in the community in Timor-Leste it is more important than ever that we protect ourselves, and each other, by getting vaccinated.
Austrália fahe tan vasina COVID-19 hamutuk 500,000 ho Timor-Leste durante fulan hirak mai hodi aselera implementasaun kampaña nasionál ba vasina. Vasina AstraZeneca hamutuk 300,000 too ona iha Dili ohin loron.
Ida ne’e hanesan ami nia distribuisaun ho númeru barak liu too ohin loron no atinji ona ba númeru vasina COVID-19 hamutuk 577,850 ne’ebé mak ami fahe too oras ne’e ho Timor-Leste.
Ho variante Delta ne’ebé mak daudaun ne’e identifika iha komunidade nia leet iha Timor-Leste, importante tebes ba ita proteje ita-nia aan, no ema seluk, liuhusi hetan vasina.
Australia is sharing 500,000 more COVID-19 vaccines with Timor-Leste over the coming month to accelerate the national rollout. 300,000 AstraZeneca arrived in Dili today.
This is our largest delivery to date and takes to 577,850 the number of COVID-19 vaccines we have so far shared with Timor-Leste.
With the Delta variant recently identified in the community in Timor-Leste it is more important than ever that we protect ourselves, and each other, by getting vaccinated.
Visit the COVID-19 Information Centre for vaccine resources.
Get Vaccine Info

