AÇORES Be safe (and don’t be stupid)!

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Be safe (and don’t be stupid)!

Sadly, two tourists have gone missing in the last couple of months and someone passed attempting to climb PIco this week.

The Azores are rocks in the middle.of the Atlantic. They are wild and conditions can change instantly – this includes weather, the sea, landslides, etc. Please have some respect for the nature here and the forces that are greater than all of us. Don’t go off trail, don’t go near the sea when it’s rough and pounding the shores, if there’s a warning not go down a path or road – stay out of it. If it’s windy and rainy, go to the hot springs instead of exploring a trail you’re unfamiliar with! Don’t climb Pico alone!

Rescue services here are limited and they are often risking themselves to help people who have made poor decisions.