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A propósito da palavra Abrolhos, mencionada no “post – Portugueses em Melbourne”, escrevi o seguinte comentário:
As Ilhas Abrolhos, que mencionou, tem significado especial para Portugal. As Ilhas, perto de Geraldton, WA, são oficialmente conhecidas como Houtman Abrolhos nomeadas pelo Capitão Frederik Houtman em 1619. Acontece, porém, que um mapa publicado em Dieppe, França, em 1553, pelo cartógrafo Desceliers, baseado nos mapas de Cristóvão de Mendonça, já contém as Ilhas com o nome Abrolhos, uma palavra que só existe na língua portuguesa. Quer isto dizer que Houtman “descobriu” o que os portugueses descobriram 60 anos antes dos holandeses e 250 anos antes do Capitão Cook. Mas continua a negar-se o que é óbvio!

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- Phillip WilliamsDear Dr. De Lemos, my life has been scattered with serendipity and this is one more instance. Many years ago in Melbourne Victoria you became unofficial patron of the FOCUS FORCE FRIENDSHIP EXHIBTION To PORTUGAL. It highlighted the photographic works of Warrnambool school students. Your help and assistance helped make it the success it was, and now as I approach my 79th year I ma preparing a document to go to the students, and others including the consulate, Both Portuguese and the Australian consulate. It travelled throughout Portugal for 12 months and had many outstanding outcomes. The serendipity today is the day after your 96th birthday, and I decided to commence this exercise. Should it reach its goal I would like to dedicate to your support.
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- 3 d
- ActiveCarlos de LemosPhillip Williams Dear Phillip, many thanks for your email. I certainly remember your project “Focus Force and also recall that it was very successful. I have no objection to you using my name relating to my support. I also recall that I had a file on …See more
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