quando a huawei roubou uma patente portuguesa

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Meus amigos.

Please my dear fellows 🇺🇸 🇵🇹 🇪🇺 I don’t want to get “likes” on this, just your help to spread worldwide what Huawei Mobile done, and is trying to avoid any deal, since all info I got for my attorney in the US during this Sunday. Press sometimes doesn’t work (I know who has not courage for that even in Portugal with powerful companies and countries) but there are some independent and serious newspapers and we can reach them. So lets try this way with social networks to go into them with justice. Litigation in the USA means a lot of millions US dollars that I can’t afford.

It’s just a kind of justice I want and must be done.
Fell free to share my contacts as you think that must be useful, however I have more information to share.

“Start spreading the news” a New Yorker sang that.

Thanks a lot in advance for your shares.
Rui Pedro Oliveira

Another Huawei robbery.

On May 28th and 29th 2014 I went from Oporto, Portugal, to Huawei HQ in Plano, Texas, USA, to meet with their representatives that were in the meeting: Jeff Xu, Eric Murrell, Erica Porter and Michael Guo.

There were two meetings. One that was scheduled for 28th and happened, and due to the interest to show to more people, they asked me to go there again next morning, on the 29th.

Those meetings, I showed what it was a patent pending lens (application patent and design patent) that I designed like this and named (for me) SMATCAM, that was from SMartphone ATtachable CAMera. Two possible colours. Two possible connectors.

Last year I received the US Patents at home. The design patent and the app patent. Links here:

Design Patent https://patents.google.com/patent/USD792497S1(09/04/2014)

App Patent https://patents.google.com/patent/US9503625B2 (09/04/2013)

People from Huawei, showed interest in knowing too much about my invention but after the two meetings they never talked with me anymore.

In 2017, Huawei launches worldwide and selling in the US by Amazon, Ebay and other platforms this lens…

Where I’ve seen this?!

This is an exact copy of what I showed them few years before. Not only in the design that, is a fact, but the part of communication with the smartphone that I imagined.

I started talking with them, the director of legal affairs in the USA, Mrs. KD Schull and Mr. Chenlu, that works directly with the director.

After several emails, he supports that can’t talk to me anymore because I don’t have an American attorney. I sell my home and pick Mr. George Neuner to be my attorney in the US, on 1stSeptember 2018.

Mr. George Neuner starts conversations with Mrs. Schull, and Mrs. Schull tells us that the negotiation will be with Mr. Chen. Then, Mr. Chen starts conversations and during these 5 months, something is always missing. Or a signature, or a business trip, then he talks about a prior art, but never showed anything, or Christmas Hollidays, or an NDA, and then an editable NDA, everything is a theme not to move forward with gentleman and elevated negotiations, just to pass time until I loose all with attorneys and give up. But I won’t!

Even and email from a former Vice President sent me stating that I was there, he was in the meeting and showed all material, and advised me that should contact the director of legal affairs.

Given all the news about Huawei’s suspicious behaviour and practices, I could not fail to make this complaint and appeal to your collaboration in spreading this crime further. Thank you.

For more information, please, feel free to contact me:

Rui Pedro Oliveira
Email: rpo@imaginew.pt
Mobile: +351 939980009

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