esse robô é o novo pivô da TV…. e já existem vários

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Cristina de Jesus shared a post to the group: Rastos Quimicos Portugal//Chemtrail Activism.

«News anchors, beware. The robots are coming for your jobs, too.

China’s state news agency has debuted a virtual anchor designed to be able to deliver the news 24 hours a day.
Xinhua unveiled its “artificial intelligence news anchor” Wednesday at an internet conference in the eastern city of Wuzhen.

“Hello, you are watching English news program. I am AI news anchor in Beijing,” the computer-generated host announced in a robotic voice at that start of its English-language broadcast.»…/china-xinhua-ai-anchor/index.html…


NowThis Future

This lifelike ‘news anchor’ is actually just AI

8 hrs

«News anchors, beware. The robots are coming for your jobs, too.

China’s state news agency has debuted a virtual anchor designed to be able to deliver the news 24 hours a day.
Xinhua unveiled its “artificial intelligence news anchor” Wednesday at an internet conference in the eastern city of Wuzhen.

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NowThis Future

This lifelike ‘news anchor’ is actually just AI


Chrys Chrystello jornalista, tradutor e presidente da direção da AICL
Esta entrada foi publicada em AICL Lusofonia Chrys Nini diversos. ligação permanente.