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After leaving the island of Sao Miguel behind us, we landed on the island of Flores in the afternoon. After a quick stop at the supermarket, we headed straight to our holiday home in Faja Grande, the westernmost municipality in Europe. After moving into the holiday home, we explored the town on foot and then went out to eat at the harbour. We ended the evening with a fantastic sunset on our terrace. On our second day on Flores, our first full day, we first travelled through the interior of the island past some beautiful lagoons up to the north coast of Flores. Here, some great viewpoints and the Farol de Albarnaz lighthouse awaited us again. We then followed the impressive east coast towards Santa Cruz das Flores, where we also had a wonderful view of the impressive coastal landscape. Finally, we returned to Faja Grande, where we visited the Cascada do Poco do Bacalhau waterfall, which is relatively easy to reach within 10 minutes. Below you will find all the highlights we visited in this video in the order in which they can be seen in the video 🙂
Miradouro Lagoa Funda
Miradouro da Caldeira Seca
Miradouro Caldeira Branca
Miradouro do Vale da Fazenda
Pico do Meio Dia
Miradouro de Ponta Delgada
Miradouro sobre o Porto e Baía de Ponta Delgada
Miradouro da Baía de Além
Farol de Albarnaz
Miradouro do Ilhéu Furado
Miradouro dos cedros
Estacionamento e Caminho de Acesso ao Parque de Alagoa
Miradouro dos Caimbros
Miradouro da Costa Nordeste
Miradouro do Monte
Cascada do Poco do Bacalhau

After leaving Sao Miguel island behind, we landed on Flores island in the afternoon, after a quick stop at the supermarket, we headed straight to our vacation ho…

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Chrys Chrystello jornalista, tradutor e presidente da direção da AICL
Esta entrada foi publicada em turismo lazer viagens. ligação permanente.

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