Welcome to Russia”?

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This is the railway in Tuva. 12 years ago, Vladimir Putin personally launched its construction.

Yes, nothing has been built in 12 years.

2011: Putin personally drives a golden spike into the sleeper at the launch of the railway.

This is what modern Russia is about: lies and theft under the cries of greatness.

Pompous launch of the road to nowhere.

This is a real monument to Putin and Putinism, starting with the “golden spike”.

(Which, no doubt, had been stolen by now.)

Empty promises, self-promotion and corruption. There are a lot of things had been built – mansions, yachts — the list goes on. But not in Tuva.

Putin’s seaside palace and Putin’s yacht.

The essence of Russia is in these photos.

Although on the Russian TV everything looks OK.

Russia is stuck on the road to nowhere.

And it can’t go back either.


Chrys Chrystello jornalista, tradutor e presidente da direção da AICL
Esta entrada foi publicada em russia. ligação permanente.