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Faleceu Shirley Shackelton, a viúva de Greg Shackelton, um dos cinco jornalistas que foram mortos em Balibo em 1975.
Timor-Leste perdeu mais uma grande amiga, mais uma voz de quem durante décadas lutou ao lado dos timorenses pela libertação do país. Morreu sem ver justiça pelas mortes de Balibo e perante o silêncio cúmplice de sucessivos governos australianos. Foi um prazer conhecer-te Shirley. DEP

Antonio Jesus Conceiçao Marques

A sad passing today of a true hero.
Shirley Shackleton was a fighter for justice, tenaciously determined, an energised woman who fought many battles. Once a lonely voice for the suffering East Timorese, she triumphed to see #TimorLeste become free.
Farewell sweet friend.
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  • Vikki John

    Rest in peace beautiful Shirley Shackleton xxx
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  • Damien Kingsbury

    Honored to consider Shirley a colleague and friend, but more so that she had my back when I did not personally know her. It is indeed sad to lose such a friend.
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  • Ann Beatty

    This is very very sad news. A wonderful woman who fought valiantly for the truth
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  • Harri Keinonen

    I never knew her personally but I remember her from the early seventies through to today as the wife of Greg who tirelessly pursued Justice for him and the other journos murdered in Balibo.
    I’m sorry that she never got that justice realised. I’m happy …

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    • Pierre Cronaux

      Harri Keinonen She shirt-fronted invasion planner General Murdani when he visited Dili. That took some guts. She kept up pressure that helped get the inquiries and coroners inquiry that outed the killers, and the coverup.
      And she lived to see the libe…

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  • Brian Thomson

    A force of nature. Sad loss
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  • Gareth Smith

    Shirley was an inspiration to us all, a tenacious fighter for truth and justice. She will be terribly missed.
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  • Mark Davis

    Thanks Peter.
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    Joana Ruas

    Uma lutadora por amor da verdade e paixão pelo seu amado.Grande mulher.Adeus,descansa em paz querida Shirley.