genocídio nas américas (espanhóis)

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José Luis Martín Galindo

Written by Fray Bartolome of the Houses:

′′ The Spanish entered the towns and did not leave children, old and neither pregnant women who did not derail and tear them apart. They made bets on who a knife opened an Indian by means or cut off his head from a cut.

They ripped the little creatures from their mothers chest and threw them at the stones. Men got their hands cut off. Others were tied up with dry straw and burned alive. And they would stick a stake in their mouth so they wouldn’t hear the screams.

To keep dogs trained in killing, they brought many Indians in chains and bit them and destroyed them and had public carnage of human flesh. I witness all this and other cruelty never seen or heard “.

Fray Bartholomew of the Houses (Brief Relationship of the Destruction of ′′ the Indians ′′)