fake news? espero que o CM publique isto para desmentir esta notícia como fake

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Não conheço este órgão de Comunicação Social, não faço a mínima ideia se não será uma “trumpalhada” para desviar atenções, mas que dá que pensar…dá!

A new data intercepted by the United States reveals that 21 million people died in China from December 2019 to March 2020, US intelligence officials conclude in a classified report for the Trump administration. The Intelligence report stated that at least 20.9 million of the deaths were linked to co…

A new data intercepted by the United States reveals that 21 million people died in China from December 2019 to March 2020, US intelligence officials conclude in a classified report for the Trump administration. The Intelligence report stated that at least 20.9 million of the deaths were linked to co…
  • Chrys Chrystello a notícia há dias surgiu noutro mas sem confirmação..
  • Chrys Chrystello estou à espera que o CM a publique para saber que é mentira…surgiu ontem outra que fala de menos 20 milhoes de celulares em serviço…